Cable car to combat traffic chaos in Heidelberg

A cable car across the Neckar could solve a pressing traffic problem in the university city of Heidelberg (GER) and thus better connect the campus and the clinics to the city centre.

Traffic in Heidelberg has been a contentious issue for years. Efforts have been made repeatedly to improve the situation and better connect the hospitals and campus to the city center, but without success.

Every day, thousands of commuters are stuck in traffic in Heidelberg. While the expanded area is well accessible by bus and train connections, it’s still not convenient enough to reach the institutes and hospitals quickly.

For years, plans for a new central tram connection have been drawn up, but they were consistently discarded. There were arguments and discussions, studies were conducted, but then dismissed as well. However, now new plans for a cable car could finally solve the long-discussed problem.

Escaping the traffic chaos

The advantage of integrating a cable car into public transportation? No more traffic jams. The planned cable car is intended to solve the “traffic chaos” problem by connecting to public transport and becoming a swift alternative for commuters to use.

The cable car is supposed to cross the Neckar River and link the campus in the Neuenheimer Feld, where the tram connection ultimately failed after extensive planning, to the central railway station (HBF) and the railway network, as well as a large park-and-ride facility near the highway.

Urban cable car plans were also heavily discussed at the VRN Cable Car Day in Mannheim. Among them was the cable car for Heidelberg, which was presented during the event as a highly sensible addition to public transportation.

In addition, there are good government subsidies available for the cable car, which can support its construction. Currently, the city of Heidelberg is examining the feasibility of the cable car crossing the Neckar River.