Cable car plans in Cebu City

In conversation with mayor of Cebu City, Philippines, Michael Rama: plans for a new cable car that could supplement the city's public bus service as a mass transit system.

Plans for a cable car in Cebu City have been in existence for a long time: according to the audio-visual presentation (AVP) of Rama‘s state of the city address, cable cars and a rail system were part of the vision on the 85th founding day of the city in 2022. Now, in an interview with some reporters, the mayor spoke again about the idea of a cable car to reduce the burden on public bus transportation and initiated the first steps. According to the AVP, the ideas were presented to the Department of Transportation, got the cable car system from South Road Properties to Highland studied and also the route from Cebu IT Park to Barangay Busay in Cebu City.

At Michael Rama's last visit in Hong Kong, he was even more positive about cable cars in the city. Because there, it was possible to take ART (aerial ropeway transit) from the airport. "It is possible to go to Fuente from the airport. It can even go all the way to Busay. That was a dream," he said.

One cabin of the ART could carry 10 passengers from one station to the next at nine-second intervals, and the number of passengers it can accommodate is equivalent to 200 people per hour and direction.

There is no planned date of realization and exact details of the route yet.

A traditional Jeepney in the Philippines. Photo: Unsplash