Cable Car for Park City?

The city council of Park City has discussed new transportation solutions for the city in Utah. One potential solution that came up for consideration is a cable car, similar to Portland.

The reason for the discussion was the public’s demand for innovative transportation options. Therefore, Mayor Nann Worel assembled an interest group committee to address these demands, as reported by Park News.

A feasibility study identified four potential starting points for the cable car: Old Town Transportation Center, Deer Valley Snow Park, Park City Mountain Resort, and the Culture District.

The committee consists of residents of Park City, representatives from Park City Mountain, delegates from the Deer Valley Resorts, staff from High Valley Transit, and members of the Park City Planning Commission.

However, the cable car was not the only system discussed. Other options included a rail network, a tunnel, and a one-way network. However, these received less support compared to a cable car network.

For example, the one-way network might not be viable year-round, and concerns were raised about negative impacts from additional tracks. A decision is still pending.

Taking Portland as a Model?

Park City is examining whether it should take inspiration from the cable car system in Portland.